Speed Up Your Transport and Logistics business with KYTE HR

Get Access to the Premier Attendance Tracking System for Transportation and Logistics. Now, Ensure Smooth Company Operations and Effective Team Management.

  • Handle Your Team's Tasks and Schedules Using One Unified Platform.
  • Stay Updated with Real-Time Employee Locations, Increasing Responsibility and Efficiency.
  • Encourage Employee Happiness with a Range of Features, Cultivating a Positive and Engaged Workplace.
  • Access Critical Data and Create Tailored Reports, Empowering Informed Decision-Making and Process Enhancement.

Smart Driver Scheduling & Dispatching

  • Plan Driver Shifts and Coordinate Your Fleet Using Intuitive Features.
  • Allot Routes and Loads Based on Driver Licenses, Vehicle Types, Load Specifications, Locations, and more.
  • Stay Well-Informed with Up-to-the-Minute Scheduling Updates. Access GPS Time Stamps, Status Changes, and Messaging for Improved Fleet Control.
  • Employees Receive Shift Assignments via Attendance Tracking System for Transportation Industry Creating a Transparent Workflow.

#1 GPS based Time Attendance App for Tracking Your Staff on Wheels

  • Effortlessly Monitor Work Hours, Locations, and Mileage with Attendance Tracking System for Logistics Industry.
  • Enable Drivers to Punch In and Out on the go with their Mobile. Guaranteeing Immediate Real-time Attendance Updates.
  • Prevent Unauthorized Time Clock Entries with Geofence Restrictions, Ensuring On-Site and Punctual Performance.
  • Receive Real-Time Updates for Precise Time Stamps and Accurate Location Tracking.

Why don’t you put us to the test?

Kyte is 100% free for upto 10 users for two weeks.


Simplified Attendance and Employee Satisfaction

Get a Simple Attendance Solution with attendance tracking software for Transportation.

  • Ease the Burden on Employees Who Travel Frequently, Removing the Need for Constant Location Sharing.
  • Promote Transparency with Digital Records, Helping Address Employee Concerns and Cultivating Trust.
  • With In-App Leave Management, Shift Scheduling, and Automated Workflow Tools.
  • KYTE's User-Friendly Features Enhance Employee Contentment, Encouraging a Productive Team.

Empowering Your Business with Data Driven Reports and Analytics

  • Get Detailed Reports and Valuable Insights into Attendance Trends with Track Real-Time Employee Locations. Make Informed Decisions about Managing Resources…Easily.
  • Connects with HRMS and Payroll Software through APIs and Simplify the Payments.
  • Use Attendance Data to Improve Business Services and Optimize Operations for Greater Efficiency.

KyteHR – a product of LAAYN Technologies is an employee attendance mobile application for corporates & government.


© Copyright by LAAYN Technologies – All Right Reserved.

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