Best Attendance Management Software for Hotel & Restaurant Businesses

“Motivate them, train them, care about them, and make winners out of them… they’ll treat the customers right. And if customers are treated right, they’ll come back.” — J. Willard Marriott, founder of the Marriott Corporation


We all know how important the staff is for the hospitality business. The staff being present on the right time at the right place is the core element of effective customer service. It directly impacts the guest experience and smooth operations of the hotel or restaurant. Therefore, it is crucial for establishing a reputation.

Hotels and many esteemed restaurants are working 24*7 with staff working in shifts. Effective shift scheduling and maintaining discipline is possible only through attendance tracking.

What to have attendance tracking in the hospitality business?

Apart from enforcing discipline, attendance tracking provides various other complementary benefits, viz:

1. Guest Satisfaction and Experience
2. Operational Efficiency
3. Safety and Security
4. Effective Shift Scheduling
5. Cost Management including labor and training costs
6. Professionalism
7. Brand Reputation
8. Legal and Compliance Obligations
9. Effective employee monitoring
10. Supports performance based appraisals
11. Supports staffing related business decisions


Therefore, attendance tracking can act as the base of providing the positive and memorable experience to your guests, while ensuring the smooth business operations.

With digitisation effecting how different businesses perform, hospitality business has also made great moves towards digitisation. One such aspect is choosing the attendance tracking app for the hotel staff. Long gone are the days when the attendance was manually recorded on registers. Nobody wants to deal with redundant data on the piles of registers, taking up additional space.

KYTE is the best attendance tracking app for the hospitality industry and has already been adopted by many esteemed hotels and restaurants. Online attendance tracking apps offer numerous advantages, including time efficiency, improved attendance accuracy, features customisation, leave management, data analytics, cost savings and employee accountability.

Attendance tracking app is a valuable tool for the hospitality business owners to streamline the attendance management and enhance overall workforce productivity. KYTE along with the basic attendance tracking features, also offers the advanced features like: enhanced security with instant selfie, location tracking and geofencing.

Let’s see how KYTE stands out as the best attendance tracking app for the hospitality industry:

Basic Attendance Functionalities:

KYTE covers all the basic online attendance functionalities including:

1. Instant Attendance Tracking: The attendance tracking on KYTE is in real-time with the cloud support. The managers can view the attendance of their teams in real-time.

2. Data Accuracy: With the data being centralised, there are no chances of redundant entries, and the time and location of attendance entries are recorded accurately.

3. Effective Data Management: With the automated data management features, you need not worry to import and save the files on your personal computer. All the data is automatically saved on cloud and can be fetched at any time with a few clicks.

4. Easy Import/Export of Data: You can always import and export the external files with ease, whenever required.

5. Manage Staff at Different Chains: With centralised data management features, you can track and manage the data of your staff at different hotel or restaurant chains, all from single portal.

Basic Attendance Tracking Functionalities

6. In-app notifications: KYTE provides in-app notifications making the information exchange between team members an easy pursuit.

7. Scalability: With the cloud support, KYTE is easily scalable and can effectively accommodate your future business expansion needs, keeping you sorted for years to come.

Advanced Attendance Tracking Features:

KYTE has various advanced security and business support features, crafted to enhance your productivity. These are:

1. In-app Leave Management: The managers and team members can interact directly through app regarding any leave or absenteeism management. This saves a lot of time and builds trust and harmony among the employees.

2. Shift Scheduling: KYTE allows you to allocate staff to different shifts and shuffle the staff as per requirement, all from the app. This allows the managers to schedule the shifts effectively in less time.

3. GPS Tracking: The real-time location tracking feature allows you to view employee’s location during his logged in hours from the app itself. This allows you to enforce discipline while keeping the interactions smooth.

Advanced Attendance Tracking Features

4. Geo-fencing: This advanced feature offered by KYTE allows you to mark a geo-fence around your property so that the employees entering and leaving the premises can be tracked in real-time. This allows better discipline and also motivates the employees to be honest towards their work hours, since their efforts are being monitored.

5. Post a selfie: KYTE allows the employees to post real-time selfie with their attendance entries, leaving no chance of proxies.

6. Reports and Analytics: KYTE provides detailed reports and analytics in-app allowing you to identify any patterns of absenteeism. This data is helpful while guiding the non-sincere candidates in improving their work pattern and reward the sincere ones.

7. Third Party API integrations: We understand your business process and expansion needs, and have built KYTE APIs with easy integration capabilities. You can easily integrate KYTE to your existing or planned business software like payroll management softwares. This leads to easy exchange of data between the apps allowing smooth business operations.

If you are also looking for an effective attendance tracking app for your restaurant staff or hotel staff, KYTE can fulfil all your attendance tracking and related needs. For more information about KYTE, feel free to reach us at: 8003620388.

KyteHR – a product of LAAYN Technologies is an employee attendance mobile application for corporates & government.


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